Properties & Uses:
Home and Garden *insect_repellent *Pets *
Pennyroyal oil is an excellent insect repellent, and is used in many commercial preparations. Just remember that a few drops will go a long way. The oil is extremely potent, and extremely toxic if taken internally.
Pennyroyal is an important member of the family of mints, used historically since the time of Pliny to stimulate suppressed menstruation, alleviate cramps and tension during a woman's monthly cycle and facilitate childbirth. Because of the herbs reputation as an aborifacient, it has a rather unsavory reputation, but the herb is one that can be used safely for its intended purposes, when coupled with common sense, respect, knowledge and caution.
whole herb teas, use essential oil in topical applications only
Side Effects: of PennyRoyal
A woman would have to drink enormous quantities of whole herb to to stimulate an abortion, so there is little chance of an accidental overdose, still, avoid use in pregnant women. Pennyroyal oil, however is extremely toxic, doses a small 1 teaspoon can cause convulsions. Drinking pennyroyal oil in an effort to abort a pregnancy has resulted in death. Never, ever, never take pennyroyal oil internally for any reason.